Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Missing Home

And when I say home I mean my family. It’s funny, A. has been going through a rough time at school and I have been trying to talk to her about it. She won’t talk to me on the phone though if she thinks I will mention it. She wants her privacy and I have to give it to her. Instead we talk about things that on the surface, don’t seem to matter.

When I talk to H on the phone, I end up just sitting there in silence. The only thing I really have to share these days is work, and by the time I get home, I just don’t want to discuss it. Maybe A and I aren’t so different. We just want to hear each other breathe but not talk. We have had some key people leave the organization lately and I was thinking to myself how it’s temporary pain. After awhile, we will all forget what it was like to have them there and we will as they say here, get on with it. I am always afraid that my family will forget what it was like having me there every day.

The painters finished the living room and my beautiful no longer green kitchen so the house should be ready for sale this week! H has been watching the over-priced house down the street get marked down three times with no foot traffic. I can’t even think about it!

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