Monday, January 31, 2011

Friday's Lineup

I got a late start but was hoping to line up several movies for the day. In the end I only saw two, a comedy and then a documentary.

Salvation Boulevard starred Ed Harris, Greg Kinnear, Pierce Brosnan, Marisa Tomei, and Jennifer Connelly and was a farce based on the Christian mega churches. It was hilarious! If you can laugh at organized religion look out for this one. Religion and cults seemed to be a running theme in the festival lineup.

Shut Up Little Man! Filmmakers
The second film I saw was an Australian documentary about an American story. It was called Shut Up Little Man! An Audio Misadventure, and I really enjoyed this one. Back in the 80’s these two young guys from Wisconsin moved out to San Francisco and was living in a dump apartment with very thin walls. Two men lived next door. One sounded like a raging homophobe and the other sounded gay and they would both get very drunk and have horrible arguments. The guys started taping them. In the pre-internet era, these tapes went viral. In fact this young filmmaker in Adelaide Australia heard about them this way. In telling the story lots of questions come up regarding privacy and morality. The Q&A was great. There was an older gay gentleman in the audience who was really angry that these young men capitalized on these men, especially since a lot of the content of the arguments was homophobic rants, which taken out of context becomes “frat boy humor”. He had some very interesting points and the filmmakers encouraged him to share his thoughts.

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