Wednesday, January 23, 2008

An Untimely Death

I drifted off to an early sleep last night and then work up sometime between 11 and midnight. My laptop always close by, I checked my email and my friend M from Alabama had sent me an email about the recent Heath Ledger announcement. I was shocked. M and I used to go to movies quite often when we lived in the same state and we had both become a fan of Heath’s long before Brokeback Mountain. I had recently emailed her asking if she had seen the trailers for the new Batman movie because Heath looked amazing in it. How sad. In the digital age, it is amazing how speculation becomes fact. Me and my buddy K sat online comparing the news outlets’ coverage of the story. You could actually watch coverage of the crowd outside his apartment building on and long before any of the other outlets were painting a picture of a troubled life, The Daily Mail was stating that a heroin addiction was the problem. What is really true?

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