Thursday, February 7, 2008

Shakespeare's Globe

Because I had a pass to use, I went to visit Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, not thinking I would really enjoy the tour much. It ended up being one of my favorite destinations in London. The actual Globe Theatre was at a different location not far from where this replica was built in the 90’s. Because of laws in the city of London dating back to the Great Fire, there are no wood structures with thatched roofs allowed. This is the only structure that is the exception and that is because of the safety features they have built in to protect it. Now that I have toured the theatre, I am very anxious to come back and see a play when the season begins in April. The tour guide, Stephanie, was wonderful! The area in the front of the stage is for standing tickets and they are only £5 each. Keep in mind though that you are exposed to the elements because the roof only covers the seats and the stage. But because you can bring your own beer in, people don’t seem to mind.

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