Monday, February 18, 2008

J Out of Commission

Everyone around me has been sick so i guess it was a matter of time. When I went to Blockbuster on Friday night to rent a movie, the woman behind the counter was sneezing and coughing so hard that I almost said no thank you to my selections after she had touched them. I literally didn't get out of bed at all until today. L was kind enough to check on me often and bring me cups of tea.

My good friend E had sent me an email asking me if I had seen a recent episode of Chef Anthony Bourdain's show No Reservations where he visited London and Edinburgh trying to find out how the UK had gotten such a bad reputation for food. I was fortunate to be able to download the program from iTunes. Do watch it if you get a chance. I am semi-obsessed with Anthony Bourdain right now since he was just on my favorite music podcast and I'm currently reading his book Kitchen Confidential.

Here's to a quick recovery before Mel gets here on Thursday.

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