Friday, November 2, 2007

A Nice Surprise

I was a little disappointed with my trip to Salisbury so I exited the train in London and began just walking the streets trying to decide whether I should have some dinner or just head back to my little village. Just then, I noticed this poster that directed me to walk down the adjacent street to a photography exhibit at a local gallery where Bruce Springsteen was the subject. I walked in and the exhibit spanned from about 1972 all the way up to about 2005 and all of the pictures were black and white. Some were concert photos and some were behind the scenes pictures.

I have never seen Bruce Springsteen in concert but my friend J in New Jersey once sent me some beautiful pics he had taken when he was covering one of his shows. Everyone that I know who has seen him says it is an incredible experience. Since moving here, because of lack of funds, transportation, and being without my buddy K, I haven’t seen many concerts and I miss it. Because of my love of the live show, I thought the concert pictures were really moving. The photographer had taken pictures from behind Bruce on stage so you could see the reaction of the audience. Some of them looked like they were experiencing the greatest moment of their life. The gallery was such a nice surprise.

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