Monday, December 1, 2008

A Welcome Surprise

When moving to a new place as we have in the last year, I was sure I would make some new friends. I didn't expect one of the friends I would make would live in the U.S. but D and I worked on a project together this year and in an instant became fast friends. He used to live in the UK and came back here for a visit and the two of us got together on Thanksgiving. He came out to our village in the morning so he could see our place and meet H. Then he and I spent the afternoon in London going to the National Portrait gallery to see the Annie Leibovitz exhibit as well as talking, talking, talking. Sometimes someone can say something to you that you just really needed to hear at that very moment. He has had the experience of working in many countries and was sharing with me how he approached the cultural conflict that can sometimes exist. We had a fabulous day.

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