Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Bus Schedule is Open to Interpretation

So there’s a schedule posted, but the movement of the buses is rarely according to plan. I have waited over 30 minutes for that elusive connection home. It’s not bad when the iPod is fully charged and the weather is nice. It can be hell if that’s not the case. I know these observations are not new to anyone who regularly takes public transportation, but I’m new at this. We Americans, we love our cars! I find it amazing that on public transportation you are in a most public place, but it is also as if you are in private because you could really do just about anything and most people around you would remain expressionless. On Sunday, we saw a guy knuckle-deep digging in his nose in front of God and everyone. Besides me and H sharing a look between us about it, everyone else averted their eyes in apathy.

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